
CS-23 Wind Power

South Australian Wind Farm
Sulzon Wind turbine base tensioning
Original Set-Up
Jacking cylinders with a plate used to tension bolts.
Issues Experienced
  • very time consuming
  • very tight fitment of tools
  • Torque can be used due to torsional stresses
Technofast Product Used

Specially designed B3S EziJac

  • Easy installation and handling
  • Precise bolt loads obtainable
  • local support and training available for tooling
Installation Time

Old Method = 24hours (5-6 personnel)
New Method = 6 hours (3-4 personnel)

Time Saving = 18 hours

CS-23 Wind Power
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Many improvements to Steel Products

Using EziJacs around the base meant that we could tension multiple bolts at once which saved a lot of time. We are also able to get an accurate bolt load, which previously we have not been able to achieve.

Maintenance Supervisor

Innovation solutions for your industry.

Technofast Industries is an worldwide leader and specialist in Bolt Tensioning, providing innovative and effective technical solutions along with uncomprising customer service.