Runner up 2022 Prime Creative Prospect Awards – Mining EziTite Headnut
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2004 GLOBAL PLATT’S ENERGY AWARD Award For Commercial Technology Of The Year.
The high-temperature Hydraulic Nuts from Technofast Industries was awarded the highest honour for Commercial Technology of the Year at McGraw-Hill’s Platt’s 2004 Global Energy Awards. Judging experts are quoted to have said: “Combining true technical innovation with hard commercial worth is a tough trick to pull off. Technofast Industries has come up with the rare exception: a
Pneumatics, Hydraulics, & Compressors – Awarded for the HI-Temperature Hydraulic Nut
ENDEAVOUR AWARD 2005 – Technofast takes the award for the most innovative product.
Technofast Industries took out the Innovative Australian Product of the Year award for its High Temperature Hydraulic Nuts (HTHN). High temperature hydraulic nut technology has been successfully commercialised internationally by a number of industries with Technofast concentrating on the nuclear and gas turbine generating industries. The technology is said to be vastly superior in speed, accuracy and
ENDEAVOUR AWARD 2014 – Technofast takes the award for the most innovative product.
Technofast Industries took out the Innovative Australian Product of the Year award for its EziTite TR & CamNut Turbine Closure Systems. Technofast’s CamNut System is the only alternative to a current methodology which can be effectively used to tighten the typically massive bolts used in large Steam Turbines without either replacing the entire set of bolts at a
Innovation solutions for your industry.
Technofast Industries is an worldwide leader and specialist in Bolt Tensioning, providing innovative and effective technical solutions along with uncomprising customer service.